About US


We are dedicated to bringing our customers premium, high-quality, and functional household products, fun toys, pet supplies and travel accessories at reasonable prices. Our vision is to continuously innovate and improve our products based on customer needs as well as current industry trends. Our customer centric approach means that customers always come first. We are proud to stand by our 100% hassle-free customer service policy.

As a fully developed corporation, we seek to build upon the opportunity and talents available in this wonderful city, in order to be the best competitor on the field. Comfort Quest currently has a corporate office in Coral Gables, Florida where our on-site engineers inspect and test products, our designers constantly work to discover how products can be better, and our outsourcing team ventures around the world to find ways to make products of the best possible material, while giving consumers the lowest price possible.

We seek to fill your home and improve your day-to-day life in many different ways. We specialize in kitchen products such as French presses and electric kettles, décor items such as our beautifully crafted oriental rugs, floating wall shelves, and picture frames, baby products such as baby gates and toys, and for those dog lovers out there we have patented and created water fountains to keep your pet hydrated, healthy, and happy.


If you are at all unhappy with your purchase for any reason, our team will work extremely hard to ensure you are satisfied.

*2 YEARS product warranty (Any quality problems are found, a free one will be given)
*Contact us to get extra 3 YEARS guarantee
*Lifetime Customer Support